Friday, August 9, 2024

Difference Between Socket and Server Socket in Java

Two essential Java classes-Socket and ServerSocket-have different functions when it comes to creating networked applications. These classes have a distinct purpose and is an essential component of the client-server architecture. In this section, we will discuss the between Socket and ServerSocket, and its unique functions and use cases in Java.


In Java, a socket is a client-side communication endpoint that is used to create and maintain connections to remote servers. It is an essential part of client applications that require server communication.


A network application's server-side uses a ServerSocket to listen for incoming client connections. Clients can knock on it to seek access to the server, acting as a door.

PurposeUsed to communicate with a server on the client side.Used for client connections while listening server-side.
Class TypeClassClass
Use CaseEstablishes and controls connections to distant servers.Monitors a particular port for incoming client connections.
InitializationGenerated by entering the port number and IP address of the server.Made by giving the port number to listen on a specification.
Bi-Directional CommunicationSupports the use of input and output streams for bidirectional data exchange.It allows bidirectional communication by accepting incoming client connections and creating a new socket for each one.
BlockingWhen a socket method is waiting for data from the server, it could block.The accept() function is waiting for incoming client connections while it is blocked.
ConcurrencyUsually utilised for client applications in a single-threaded fashion.Frequently employed in a multi-threaded setting to manage several customers at once.
Life CycleControls the connection and has the ability to be repeatedly opened and closed inside of a client application.stays open and listens for incoming connections for as long as the server programme is operating.
Data TransferFor data transfer, input and output streams are directly connected to socket instances.ServerSocket offers accepted Socket objects for communication, enabling data streams to be connected to these sockets, but it does not manage data transfer directly.
Port ReuseA client application can connect to several servers and services, each on a distinct port, by using multiple Socket instances.A ServerSocket is attached to a particular port and is always on the lookout for new connections on that port.
Exception HandlingIOException, ConnectException, and SocketTimeoutException are examples of common exceptions.IOException and BindException are frequent exceptions that need to be handled carefully.
Securitycan be enhanced with extra security protocols, such SSL/TLS, to provide secure connection.Able can be set up for server-side secure communication, guaranteeing safe client connections and data transfers.
Use With StreamsA socket can have input and output streams connected to it in order to transmit data.The main() function of a ServerSocket is connection acceptance; data exchange is carried out via the accepted Socket instances, enabling stream-based communication.
Client CommunicationTransmits and receives data to and from the server, acting as the client's communication endpoint.Allows data flow with linked clients by accepting and managing incoming client connections.
Data ExchangeAllows data to be sent and received to and from the server via input and output streams, frequently for client-server communication.The main responsibility is to accept new client connections. Accepted Socket instances are used for data exchange.
Communication ProtocolBoth TCP ( dependable, stream-oriented) and UDP (connectionless, datagram-based) communication can be conducted using sockets.Primarily made for stream-oriented, dependable TCP connection.
Types of SocketsSocket can be used to generate both TCP and UDP sockets, depending on the use case.TCP server sockets are particularly created using ServerSocket.UDP communication is carried out using DatagramSocket
Accountabilitycontrols the communication between the client and the server.Accepts and listens to incoming connections from clients.
InstancesGenerally, a client can launch many instances of Socket to establish connections with various servers or services.Typically, a single ServerSocket instance that is listening on a certain port exists in a server application.


Socket and ServerSocket are the fundamental building elements of Java communication in networked applications. On the server side, ServerSocket is meant to manage and handle incoming client connections, whereas Socket is in charge of starting client connections.

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Difference Between Socket and Server Socket in Java

Two essential Java classes-Socket and ServerSocket-have different functions when it comes to creating networked applications. These classes ...